Saturday, August 18, 2012

The end of our first class, how awesome! One down! I am trying to just take the whole program class by class and not look at the whole thing at once.  So hooray for us making it to the first checkpoint! Thank you to everyone who commented or posted.  It is a new experience for me to have an open diary of sorts but it is fun to read everyone's posts and learn more about you all.  I know some of us will be continuing on together to our next classes and I look forward to watching us all grow together.  I have never met people with such a passion for children and it is refreshing.  I think that is what I enjoyed the most about this class, that there are other people who want to make a change in early education and the lives of children. That has inspired me to pursue my dreams even more, so thank you!


  1. I want to tell you that I have valued your contributions to my learning experience in this course. I too find it refreshing that others are equally as passionate about early child development as I am. Being a somewhat private person, I was concerned about blogging initially, but I feel that it has been beneficial to my classroom experience.

  2. Thank you so much Ana for the wonderful posts and comments. I intend on following everyone's blog from this first class so that we can continue to share our progress. We will find ourselves in many of the same classes throughout this program and it is going to be a great experience. So, to second your emotion, HOORAY! for us!

  3. Thank you for your posts. I agree with you that it is refreshing to see the passion that everyone in this class has had for early childhood. As for the open diary, it has definitely been an experience to blog. Congratulations on finishing the class.
